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Showing posts from June, 2021
SKIN CARE WITH DEYGA ORGANICS How important is daily skin care ? If you had asked this question couple of years of back, my answer would have been very different. I am blessed with a good skin with very minimal skin issues. Over these years, I have changed my perspective towards skin and hair care, when i started struggling with dry skin, hyperpigmentation and dark circle. I would keep the hair issues to another article. Here I will talk about my skin care, which has religiously become a part of self care.  Anything that is taken care of, remains the best for longer time. So does our Skin!  Skin Care is absolute must for a healthy glowing skin.  When I realized this, I started doing research on my daily Skin Care routine. I am not against using few chemicals on my skin, but my preference would always remain to use Natural and Pure ingredients. So when I look at the product, I just don't look at what company claims about it. It is also very easy these days to get influenced by influ